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Past Concert 2015-2016

2015 January 10
by Mia



23.2.16 kl 21.00 Kovacs & Dyberg, KoncertKirken

25.2.16 kl 20 Dyberg 4 Ra, Mellemrummet

26.2.16 The Community presents: Dyberg/Maksimovs/Thomsen at Asylum Vacation #4, Bolsjefabrikken.

7.3.16 Old and New Dreams, 5e.

New Quartet w/. Asger Thomsen, Kamilla Kovacs, David Besiakov celebrating the tunes and freedom of Old and New Dreams


2nd of July- 10th of July 2016. The Community presents @ KoncertKirken, Copenhagen Jazz Festival.

‘The Community presents’ is an OPEN AIR festival that takes place every day 5 pm – 7 pm during Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2nd – 10th of July @ Koncertkirken Blågårds Plads, curated by Mia Dyberg.

Full programme and information about artists here. For updates about concerts in Berlin 2016-2017  follow Mia Dyberg on Facebook

13/8 Bird Conversation feat Asger Thomsen @ Donau115, Berlin

20/8 Asger Thomsen/Mia Dyberg/Open Session(DE/DK)  @ Hermann Schultz, Berlin

25/8 Dyberg/Delius/Thomsen/Narvesen @ Donau115, Berlin

31/8 Bird Conversation (DE/DK) @ Sowieso, Berlin

2/9 Ready Orchestra @ Ausland, Berlin

7/9 Mia Dyberg Trio /Rieko Okuda (DE/DK/JP/US) @ Sowieso, Berlin

21/9 Cheap Animals / Thrust (DE/DK)@ Loophole, Berlin

26/9 Kovacs & Dyberg @ 5e, Kbh

30/9 Mia Dyberg Trio @ Analogbar, Moomentfestival, Kbh.

6/10 Dyberg/Balvig/Nesheim/Kovacs @ Kafé De Luxe

TBA/10 Dyberg/Balvig/Nesheim/Kovacs @ Fridhem Folkhögskola

10/10 Dyberg/Balvig/Nesheim/Kovacs @ 5e

27/10 Dyberg/Balvig/Nesheim @ Umeå Jazzfestival ( Nordic Jazz Comets)

11.11.16 Ready Orchestra @ Neu West Berlin

20.11.16 Dyberg/ Narvesen @ T Berlin

29.11.16 The Vivid Black (Casey Moir-Mia Dyberg) @ Loophole, Berlin

3.12.16 The Vivid Black (Casey Moir-Mia Dyberg) @ Kultur Café

9.12 Köther/Dyberg @ Alter Roter Lowe

13.12.16  Dyberg/Narvesen/Müller @ Kühlspot Social Club



Copenhagen Jazz Festival

3-11/7 17-19 ‘The Community presents’

‘The Community presents’ is an OPEN AIR festival curated by Mia Dyberg, that takes place every day 5 pm – 7 pm during Copenhagen Jazz Festival outside Koncertkirken, Blågårdsplads:

4/7  14.30 Knut Nessheim/Christian Balvig/ Mia Dyberg @ Huset, Magstræde

5/7 The Community presents All LIVES MATER (Jedrzej Lagodzinski (ts) Mia Dyberg (as) Szymon Gasiorek (dr) , Kristoffer Nybye (bc)Tomo Jacobson (db) @Koncertkirken, Blågårdsplads

6/7 17.00 The Community presents: Mia Dyberg/Szymon Gasiorek feat. Kimestad (PL/DK/NO) + OPEN SESSION @Koncertkirken, Blågårdsplads

7-9th of  July 19-01.00 The Community Human Live Komponering – 3 day Event @ Fredes Bastion, Refshalevej 28 1432 København K

7/7 19.00 The Community Human Live Komponering Mia Dyberg/Szymon Gasiorek + Ned Ferm + IKI @ Fredes Bastion

The Community is a network and event organisation(Co-funded by Mia Dyberg), which is connecting and expanding relations between improvising musicians worldwide – by making events with interaction as the driving force!

The Community invites you to three days of Human Live Komponering at Copenhagen Jazz Festival!!!‘Who will be playing with who?’ – Will be revealed during the evening.

8/7  17.00 Knut Kvifte Nesheims Blastoise! (Mia Dyberg – sax, Johannes Fosse Solvang – trombone, Roberto Bordiga – bass, Knut Kvifte Nesheim – trommer) @Koncertkirken, Blågårdsplads

9-10/7  – Kovacs & Dyberg @Dome Jazz 2015 feat. 2xtuba Rasmus Kjærgaard Lund+ Kristian Tangvik. @Dome of Visions.

10/7 16.00 Kovacs & Dyberg feat Szymon Pimpon @ Dome of Visions. Event:

10/7 20.00 Balvig/Dyberg/Pimpon/Skøtt @ Metronomen

11/7 16.00 Kovacs & Dyberg @ Harboe bar

Autumn 2015

16/7 Kovacs & Dyberg feat Mette Marie @ Århus Jazzfestial

24/7 + 25/7 Two nigths in a row – Christian Balvig/Mia Dyberg/Clayton Thomas @ Sowieso Neukölln, Berlin

26/7 Christian Balvig(synthesizer )/Mia Dyberg (altosax) @Bonobo @ Greenhouse-Berlin
Gottlieb-Dunkel-Str. 43/44

1/8-5/8 Gasiorek/Dyberg – Poland + Germany tour

Previous  concerts 2015

20/1 Mia Dyberg and The Y’s @ Akvariet.

25/1 Tomas Dabrowski (PL) + Vilhelm Bromander/Christer Bothen (SE) +Moritz Köther/Mia Dyberg (DE,DK) @ Fylkingen, Stockholm, Sweden.

7/2 19.30 Kovacs & Dyberg paa Kirkegaards Antikvariat. Islands Brygge 25 2300 Kbh S.

14/2 The Community Quartet(Pi/Duelund/Dyberg/Lohse) & Impro Session @ Nutid

28/3 Mia Dyberg/Jonathan Reiter @ Donau115, Donaustrasse 115 Berlin.

30/3 19.30 Solo with Lena Bünger (Live painting) @ Poropati, Weserstrasse 79, Berlin

1/4 Mia Dyberg/Jonathan Reiter @ TBA, Berlin.

30/5 Dyberg/Gasiorek/Kimestad @ Vadestedet

16/6 18 50 Dyberg’s Graduationconcert RMC A118. “In the borderlands between freedome and form”

Szymon Gasiorek (dr) / Mia Dyberg (as) / Jimmy Nyborg (trp), Event:


22/12 22.30  Mia Dyberg and The Y’s (Rasmus K. Lund – tuba, Morten Skøtt – trommer) @ 5e, (Kødbyen), Slagtehusgade 5E, 1715 København V. The band Bouljeloud plays at 21.00

Past concerts 2012-2014