Christian Balvig/Mia Dyberg
Sammenfiltret – Full album. Review. “Jazz in a new costyme”
‘BalvigDybergduo skapade filmisk stämning och stor rymd, med till synes så små, enkla medel’
‘Jag vet inte hur Mia Dyberg gör det, men många gånger glömmer man över huvud taget att det är en saxofon hon trakterar. Det är så mycket mer’ – Lisa Appelqvist, Kristianstadbladet
Sammenfiltret = Entangled An entangled piano and saxophone duo who conveys poetic and abstract music with calmness and an intense presence, which makes the music available to any kind of audience. The duo gets inspiration from jazz & avantgardemusic, impressionisme, thrilling rhythms & the world we live in.
The musicians is collaborating with passionated artists such as Clayton Thomas, Greg Cohen, Max Andrzejewski, Jacob Anderskov, Claus Høxbroe & Kresten Osgood. The duo played trio with Osgood for a full house in Copenhagen Jazzhouse 25/3 2012.
‘Mia Dyberg has a vivid musical imagination, a healthy curiosity, and she is dedicated to her proces. Her music is permeated of poetry, boldness and a increasing richness of color.’ – Jacob Anderskov
Christian Balvig* Piano, Composition, Mia Dyberg** Saxophone, Composition
Other Releases: * ”Christian Balvig – Andromeda, Contempo Records 2013. Assymetri, Gateway Music 2013.
** ”Everything Trio – In Everythingland”. Album Release , Gateway Music 2012 .